Monday, February 8, 2016
Bible Study #750
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit, and a desire to share Jesus.
These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#750 20 Oct 15
If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing; he has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, and constant friction between men of depraved mind and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain.
1 Tim 6:3-5
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! Paul identifies 3 characteristics of false teachers: 1) they "advocate a different doctrine"--a different teaching that contradicts God's revelation in Scripture 2) they do "not agree with sound words"--they do not accept sound, healthy teaching, specifically the teaching contained in Scripture (2 Pet 3:16); and 3) they reject "doctrine conforming to godliness"--teaching not based on Scripture will always result in an unholy life, instead of godliness, false teachers will be marked by sin (cf Jude 4, 8-16).
questions and disputes about words: "Questions refers to idle speculation; "disputes about words" literally means "word battles." Because proud, ignorant false teachers do not understand divine truth (2 Cor 2:14), they obsess over terminology and attack the reliability and authority of Scripture. Every kind of strife is mentioned to indicate that false teachers produce nothing of benefit out of their fleshly, corrupt, and empty minds.
deprived of the truth: False teachers are in a state of apostasy; that is, although they once knew and seemed to embrace the truth, they turned to openly reject it. The Greek word for "deprived" means "to steal" or "to rob," and its form here indicates that someone or something was pulled away from contact with the truth (it does not mean they were ever saved).
a means of gain: Almost always behind all the efforts of the hypocritical, lying (4:2) false teachers is the driving motivation of monetary gain (cf. Acts 8:18-23; 2 Pet 2:15).
Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! ♥
Memory verse for this week: Heb. 11:3
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. Which apostle of Jesus was healed of blindness by Ananias?
2. Who destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?
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When we make a vow unto the Lord, He will not forget it
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BIBLE MEDITATION: The Valley, the Shadow, and a Promise
“The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth.” Ps 145:18
Psalm 23 speaks of the “valley of the shadow of death.” For every shadow, there must be light. Jesus Christ said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). A shadow may frighten you, but a shadow cannot really hurt you.
I dare say that a shadow at one time or another has spooked many of us. But thank God, death is but a shadow if you know the Lord Jesus Christ. If you keep your face toward the light, the shadow will fall behind you. You won’t even see the shadow. God doesn’t bring us to a valley to leave us there. He always brings us through.
God is never closer than when you are in a dark valley. That’s when He is especially near. In the original language, we’re told Hebrews 13:5 actually has five negatives! The Amplified Bible translates it this way: “I will never, no, not ever, never leave you nor forsake you.” Memorize this verse today.
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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'Things' will pass away . . God's Word will never pass away
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE" written by David Jeremiah. A Riveting Look at the Key Players of the End Times. GBY
. . . . AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE . . . .
The Cause of Their Martyrdom . .
I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. Rev. 6:9
The martyrs of Revelation 6 were slain for the same reason John was exiled: “I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 1:9, emphasis added). These saints, too, have been sacrificed on the altar of devotion to their God for their witness and for their adherence to the Word of God. We must remember that when the church is raptured, the restraint of the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth. The rulers of that day will target followers of Christ as they vent their anger and rebellion against God.
The “testimony which they held” is likely a reference to the judgment these believers will preach. As the events of the Tribulation intensify, they will warn of even more severe judgment to come. They will preach repentance and reckoning, and they will be killed for their message.
These Tribulation preachers will join a long line of courageous prophets who spoke out against wickedness in their generation:
* Samuel prophesied to Eli that because of his evil sons, Hophni and Phinehas,
the judgment of God would be upon his house (1 Sam. 3).
* Elijah denounced Israel’s prophets of Baal, and as a result, his life was
threatened (1 Ki. 18).
* Isaiah prophesied that because of their unfaithfulness, the people of Judah
would be carried into captivity and the Temple and Jerusalem would be
destroyed (Isa. 64).
* Jeremiah’s prophecy was so offensive to his listeners that he was put in stocks
and chains (Jer. 40).
* Jonah passed on God’s message to the people of Nineveh that if they did not
repent, the city would be destroyed in forty days (Jonah 3).
* Jesus Himself prophesied judgment in His message in the Olivet discourse (Matt 24).
Dr. W.A. Criswell offers this reminder that it is part of a prophet’s very nature to proclaim judgment: anything to be saved from, we do not need a savior.
The Consequence of Their Martyrdom . .
At this point in John’s account, the scene shifts from earth back to heaven. Here John sees a vision of those who will be martyred for their faith in Christ. They are “under the altar,” which is also where the blood of the sacrifices during the Old Testament was poured out (Exo. 29:12).
The word used to describe the death of these Tribulation martyrs is unique to the apostle John. It is translated as “slain” but could also be translated as “slaughtered.” Slaughtered is a sacrificial word that speaks to the special nature of these Jewish witnesses. “To the world they were destroyed, but to God they were offered as a sacrifice unto Him. They gave their lives for the Lord and the Lord looked upon them as His. They are His martyrs.”
The Cry of Their Martyrdom . .
They cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” Rev. 6:10
The martyrs’ cry for vengeance is another evidence that they are not church age sufferers. The cry of the church age martyr is the cry of Stephen, the first martyr of the church: “Lord, do not charge them with this sin” (Acts 7:60). But those who are persecuted during the Tribulation will be able to call for God’s judgment in perfect propriety because the age of grace has ended. This is the day of the judgment of God.
Louis T. Talbot observes, “A man prays according to the attitude God is taking toward the world in the dispensation in which he lives. This present age is the age of grace. God is showing. . . mercy to the worst of men, and we are told to pray for them that despitefully use us. But in the Tribulation period God will be meting out judgment upon the earth.”
next week: . . The Comfort of Their Martyrdom . .
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The Christ who comes will be entirely different from the Christ the world teaches
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Behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. Matt. 17:3
Out of the many godly Old Testament believers God could have chosen to appear with Jesus, why did He choose Moses and Elijah? As no others, Moses and Elijah represented the Old Testament, the law and the prophets. And they could give testimony to Christ's divine majesty and glory. By their presence together, they affirmed, in effect, "This is the One of whom we testified, the One in whose power we ministered, and the One in whom everything we said and did has meaning. Everything we spoke, accomplished, and hoped for is fulfilled Him."
Luke says that these two great saints were talking with Jesus "of His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem" (Lk 9:31). They were not simply there to reflect on the Lord's glory, but they were talking with Him as friend to Friend about His departure, His imminent sacrifice, which was the supreme objective and work of His earthly ministry.
It was significant that the discussion was about Christ's saving work through His death, because it was this truth the disciples found most difficult to accept. Moses and Elijah gave confirmation not only of Jesus' divine glory, but also of His divine plan. Their supernatural testimony no doubt later gave the apostles added conviction and courage as they proclaimed that Jesus was "delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God" (Acts 2:23).
If even the revered leaders and prophets of ancient Israel are in awe of Christ, recognizing Him as their Lord, how much more readily should we bow before His presence, honoring Him for His majesty, thanking Him for His loving sacrifice on our behalf?
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The One who wants to be your Savior will one day be your judge
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Q & A with Dr. McGee
Q: Does God Condemn Those Who Haven't Heard the Gospel?
A: This question assumes that the difficulty is that these people have not heard. You and I are not living in a race that is waiting on its tiptoes to hear the gospel; we are living in a race that's already condemned. God would still be a just God if He should absolutely obliterate this earth and bring it to nothing, because we are in rebellion against Him. It's only by His grace and His love that any are saved, friends. That is the way to approach the problem. Sometimes in our zeal missions programs are presented that unless you and I give and give in a hurry millions are going into a lost eternity. I do not personally believe that the salvation of anyone is dependent upon the generosity or selfishness of any Christian. I believe that those who will hear the gospel and believe are going to get it, and God permits those of us who are His children to have part in that enterprise. There's an argument that if we all gave everything and got down to business, the whole world still wouldn't hear the gospel. Yes it would! We read in Colossians that at that time the whole world had heard (Col 1:6). What does Paul mean? The word "world" there is cosmos, meaning the civilized world. So in a period of about thirty-five years after the death and resurrection of Christ, the gospel had penetrated throughout the Roman world. And we have every reason to believe it went beyond the confines of the Roman Empire in the first century. If we meant business today, certainly we could see the world evangelized. But don't believe that men are going into a lost eternity because the church is selfish and has lost its vision. That's not the reason. We're already lost - all of us are. But what a privilege it would be to take this gospel to lost men and have part in seeing some turn to Christ. Many are being reached with the gospel. Right now a great penetration is being made of the tribes of the earth. Missionaries are doing a most excellent job of reaching in and touching tribes that have never been reached before.
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The LORD has set His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over everything Ps 103:19
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. Which apostle of Jesus was healed of blindness by Ananias?
A. Paul Acts 9
2. Who destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? ?
A. God Gen 19:24
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Answers to Questions about Heaven .. by David Jeremiah
How many angels are there in existence?
No precise count is given in Scripture, but there’s plenty of evidence that they make up a mighty multitude. In Revelation 5:11, John says he saw “ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands of angels around the throne.” To give you a perspective on how many angels this is, the average football stadium in America holds about 50,000 people. It would take some 2,000 stadiums of that size to hold 100,000,000 people. The total number of angels John saw may have far exceeded 100,000,000—“ten thousand” was the highest numerical figure used in the Greek language. “Ten thousand times ten thousand” may have been John’s way of describing an inexpressibly large company of angels. In fact, Hebrews 12:22 says, “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels.” indicating that the population of angels is so large that they cannot be numbered.
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Father, I believe You .. Jesus, I receive You .. Holy Spirit, I now free you, create in me new life
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Remember this sweet song:
I love Your Lord .. And I lift my voice,
to worship You, O my soul, rejoice.
Take joy my King ,, in what you hear,
Let me be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you with an everlasting love!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz: Husbands and Wives . . .
There are many familiar couples in the Bible. Proverbs 18:22 says, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing.” Some of the biblical couples we’re familiar with show the truth of this verse. But some of them seem to defy this verse’s logic. What do you know about the following husbands and wives?
1. When David took Bathsheba, she was the wife of: Matt 1:6
a. Nathan c. Uriah
b. Zadok d. Uzziah
2. What wife helped trick her husband into giving his blessing to the wrong son? Gen 27:1-19
a. Rebekah c. Leah
b. Rachel d. Jezebel
3. Which of the following wives was not found by a well? Gen 24:10-16; 29:9-10; Exo 2:16-21
a. Rebekah c. Bathsheba
b. Rachel d. Zipporah
4. Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt because: Gen 19:17-26
a. she refused to leave the city
b. she was disrespectful to her husband
c. she had committed adultery
d. she looked back while the city was being destroyed
5. What man’s wife told him to curse God and die? Job 2:9
a. Esau c. David
b. Job d. Ishmael
6. Priscilla and Aquila, who let Paul live with them, were: Acts 18: 1-3
a. clothing makers c. cheese makers
b. tent makers d. wine makers
7. After David slew two hundred Philistines, King Saul gave his daughter ______ to David for a wife. 1 Sam 18:27
a. Bathsheba c. Michal
b. Abigail d. Tamar
8. When Nabal churlishly refused to help David and his men, Nabal’s wife, ______, interceded. 1 Sam 25:14, 18-20, 23-31
a. Abishag c. Tamar
b. Abigail d. Achish
9. Who blamed his wife and God for a sin he committed? Gen 3:12
a. David c. Adam
b. Moses d. Solomon
10. What happened to Samson’s first wife? Judges 14:20
a. she died c. she was given to another man
b. he divorced her d. she refused to leave her father’s house
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Bible Study #749
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit, and a desire to share Jesus.
These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#749 13 Oct 15
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
John 1:1
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! In the beginning: In contrast to 1 Jn 1:1 where John used a similar phrase (“from the beginning”) to refer to the starting point of Jesus’ ministry and gospel preaching, this phrase parallels Genesis 1:1 where the same phrase is used. John used the phrase in an absolute sense to refer to the beginning of the time-space-material universe.
Was: The verb highlights the eternal pre-existence of the Word, i.e., Jesus Christ. Before the universe began, the Second Person of the Trinity always existed; i.e., He always was (cf. 8:58). This word is used in contrast with the verb “came into being” in v. 3 which indicates a beginning in time. Because of John’s theme that Jesus Christ is the eternal God, the Second Person of the Trinity, he did not include a genealogy as Matthew and Luke did. While in terms of Jesus’ humanity, He had a human genealogy; in terms of His deity, He has no genealogy.
The Word: John borrowed the use of the term “Word” not only from the vocabulary of the OT but also from Greek philosophy, in which the term was essentially impersonal, signifying the rational principle of “divine reason,” “mind,” or even “wisdom,” John, however, imbued the term entirely with OT and Christian meaning (Gen 1:3 where God’s Word brought he world into being; Ps 33:6; 107:20; Prov 8:27 where God’s Word is His powerful self-expression in creation, wisdom, revelation, and salvation) and made it refer to a person, i.e., Jesus Christ. Greek philosophical usage, therefore, is not the exclusive background of John’s thought. Strategically, the term “Word” serves as a bridge-word to reach not only Jews but also the unsaved Greeks. John chose this concept because both Jews and Greeks were familiar with it.
The Word was with God: The Word, as the Second Person of the Trinity, was in intimate fellowship with God the Father throughout all eternity. Yet, although the Word enjoyed the splendors of heaven and eternity with the Father (Isa 6:1-13; cf. 12:41; 17:5), He willingly gave up His heavenly status, taking the form of a man, and became subject to the death of the cross.
Was God: The Greek construction emphasizes that the Word has all the essence or attributes of deity, i.e., Jesus the Messiah was fully God (cf. Col. 2:9). Even in His incarnation when He emptied Himself, He did not cease to be God but took on a genuine human nature/body and voluntarily refrained from the independent exercise of the attributes of deity.
Scripture makes a distinction between the Word of God written, the Scriptures, and the Word of God incarnate, or Jesus Christ in the flesh. John in his prologue, speaks of Christ as the eternal, pre-existent One who became flesh. We may say:
1. the Word existed before the world began
2. the Word was with God, or distinct from, and yet in communion with, God the Father
3. the Word was God, or identical in essence with God the Father
4. through the Word, God brought into being the entire created universe, both the visible and the invisible (Col 1:16; Heb 1:2; 11:3
5. the Word is the source of the physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual life of man (1:4)
6. God the Word became flesh, or incarnate as a true human being (1:14).
In essence this is the same teaching as that of Paul, who said that in Christ the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily (Col 2:9).
Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! ♥
Memory verse for this week: Ps 56:
Something to think about: God can't use ignorant Christians. Do you know who use ignorant Christians? The devil does!!!
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. How many times did Jesus speak upon the cross as recorded in the New Testament?
2. What was the name of the king who tried to get the wise men to lead him to baby Jesus?
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Is there anything keeping you from trusting Jesus Christ right now?
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BIBLE MEDITATION: The Only Thing You Have That God Wants ..
“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for My sake shall find it.” Matt. 10:39
We have nothing that God needs. Think about that. If I were to give God my riches, I couldn’t make Him richer. He owns everything. If I were to give God my wisdom, I wouldn’t make Him wiser. He is the all-wise God. If I were to give God my power, I couldn’t make God more powerful. He is omnipotent.
God wants only one thing from His children—our hearts. If we pray to God without giving Him our heart, we are mocking Him. If we preach without giving God our hearts, we are preaching in ignorance.
God is saying to you today, “Give Me your heart.” How will you respond?
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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The power of God is greater IN you than the power of sin OVER you
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE" written by David Jeremiah. A Riveting Look at the Key Players of the End Times. GBY
. . . . AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE . . . .
The history of redemption has been written in the blood of martyrs, much like Daniel in our story.
Early in the Old Testament, we read of Pharaoh scheming to destroy all male children born to Hebrew women. When Jews were under the rule of the Persian Empire, Satan inspired Haman, the wicked favorite of King Ahasuerus, to devise a scheme to kill every Jew in the country. In the second century before Christ, Antiochus Epiphanes became one of Israel’s unrelenting enemies, attacking Jerusalem and executing Jews who refused to bow to Zeus. Herod tried to destroy Jesus by slaughtering all the infant boys in Bethlehem.
The first pages of church history tell of Stephen, who was stoned to death for insisting that the Jewish religious leaders had murdered Jesus (Acts 7). Herod had the apostle James executed (12:1-2). Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, was burned at the stake for his refusal to worship Caesar. Revelation 2:13 mentions Antipas, a member of the church at Pergamos who was executed for his faith. Still others did under the cruel reign of Emperor Domitian because of their Christian testimony.
Many Roman Christians suffered in the arenas. Medieval believers endured the Inquisition. The Huguenots and other Protestants were massacred or exiled during the Reformation. Hundreds of Chinese believers lost their lives during the Boxer Rebellion, and Russian Christians were sent to slave labor camps or to Siberia.
The people of God’s chosen nation have suffered martyrdom throughout history. So intense was Hitler’s persecution of the Jews in Europe that some believe the Jewish population in Europe was reduced to less than the number of Jews who left Egypt under Moses. In Germany in 1938, hundreds of synagogues were destroyed within a few days, and the shopwindows of thousands of Jewish-owned establishments were shattered. The Auschwitz concentration camp was equipped to execute thousands of Jews per day; Hitler’s torture camp Treblinka destroyed more than one million people in just a few years.
The infamous Adolf Eichmann, expressing Nazi hatred for the Jews, said, “I shall leap laughing into my grave, for the thought that I have five million human lives on my conscience is to me a source of inordinate satisfaction.”
Moses’ prediction of Jewish persecution has been fulfilled in literal ways throughout history:
The LORD will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other gods, which neither you nor your fathers
have known—wood and stone. And among those nations you shall find no rest . . . ; but there the LORD will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes, and anguish of
soul. Your life shall hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and night . . . . In the morning you shall say, “Oh, that it were evening!” And at evening you
Shall say, “Oh, that it were morning!” because of the fear which terrifies your Heart, and because of the sight which your eyes see. Deut. 28:64-67
John says that the end of it all has not yet arrived. There will be more martyrs in the future. “When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’” (Rev. 6:9-10). These souls under the altar testify to the untold suffering and persecution that will occur during the Tribulation period.
The Context of Their Martyrdom . . .
When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. Rev. 6:9
Who are these martyrs? To help us answer this important question, we must first remember that John places them in the future, when the church of Jesus Christ have been resurrected. So then, these martyrs are not from the church age we are living in now.
Also, since the martyrs ask for judgment on their oppressors on the earth, their murderers are obviously still living. This strongly suggests that these martyrs are faithful saints who are killed during the Tribulation period.
After the church is taken away, God will turn His attention to Israel once more. During the seven-year Tribulation period, many Jews will return to God, as Daniel Goldman did in our story. In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote, “I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery . . . that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. and so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: ‘The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob’” (Rom. 11:25-26).
This is another way of saying that Israel as a nation will be saved. The partial blindness of the people will be taken away, and many Jews will turn to God and reject the Antichrist during the Tribulation. Because of this, the Antichrist will martyr so many of them that their blood will run like a river.
But if not one believer will be left on the earth at the beginning of those seven years of Tribulation, how will people be saved? For one thing, God will send forth His two witnesses into the world to prophesy and perform mighty miracles. There will also be 144,000 Israelites who are “sealed” for God’s service during this period (Rev. 7:4).
It is possible that another means will also be used. Dr. Henry Morris has suggested a “silent” witness:
Millions upon millions of copies of the Bible and Bible portions have been published in all major languages, and distributed throughout the world. . . . Removal of believers from
the world at the rapture will not remove the Scriptures, and multitudes will no doubt be constrained to read the Bible. . . . Thus, multitudes will turn to their Creator and Savior
in those days, and will be willing to give their testimony for the Word of God and even . . . their lives as they seek to persuade the world that the calamities it is suffering are
judgments from the Lord.
In the Tribulation period, martyrdom will be as common as it is uncommon in the West today. Those who trust in God at that time will be called upon to demonstrate their faith—often with their very lives. “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death” (Rev. 12:11).
Although believers during this period will experience intensified persecution, this is not a new thing God’s people. The psalmist describes martyrdom this way? “For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” (Ps 44:22). During Israel’s captivity in Babylon, three young Jewish men portrayed the mind –set of martyrs when they were willing to die rather than worship the Babylonian king’s golden image. When they were threatened with death by fire, they responded, “If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up” (Dan. 3:17-18).
Zechariah the prophet spoke of the future day of tribulation as a time when two-thirds of the entire Jewish population would be killed. But, God promised, “I will bring the one-third through the fire, will refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested” (Zech. 13:8-9).
The book of Revelation identifies the enemies of God as those who have shed the blood of His people (Rev. 16:6; 17:6; 18:24; 19:2). Jesus spoke of this coming period of intense suffering in His sermon at the Mount of Olives: “All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nation s for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another” (Matt. 24:8-10).
Biblical scholar Richard Bauckham summarizes martyrdom during the Tribulation period with these words: “Revelation portrays the future as though all faithful Christians will be martyred. . . . It is not a literal prediction that every faithful Christian will in fact be put to death. But it does require that every faithful Christian must be prepared to die.”
next week: . . The Cause of Their Martyrdom . . The Consequence of Their Martyrdom . .
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Often when we are waiting .. God is working
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He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. Matt. 17:2
During this brief display of divine glory, Jesus “was transfigured.” That is the translation of the Greek word metamorphoo, from which we get metamorphosis. It basically means “change into another form.” From within Himself Jesus’ divine glory was manifested before Peter, James and John.
Here Jesus revealed Himself as He truly is, the Son of God. As the divine glory radiated from His face, it illumined even His garments, which became “white as light” in supernatural testimony to His spiritual splendor.
The “light” portrayed Jesus’ glory and majesty, as Peter testified years later in his second epistle: “For when He received honor and glory from God the Father, such an utterance as this was made to Him by the Majestic Glory, ‘This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased’” (2 Pet. 1:17). John later testified that “we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth” (Jn 1:14).
In His human form Jesus Christ was veiled, but when He comes again to earth, He will come in His full divine majesty and glory, a glimpse of which Peter, James, and John witnessed on the mountain. From now on there could be no doubt He was God incarnate, and there should have been no doubt He would come some day in the fullness of His glory.
How encouraging of Christ to use this event to provide a context for the hard realities He had just told to His followers, as well as to confirm the glorious realities still to come. How has Jesus encouraged your heart in recent days, and how have you responded?
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Anyone can change if they are willing to be changed
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God does not save us because of what we’ve done. Only a puny god could be bought with tithes. Only an egotistical god would be impressed with out pain. Only a temperamental god could be satisfied by sacrifices. Only a heartless god would sell salvation to the highest bidders.
And only a great God does for His children what they can’t do for themselves.
God’s delight is received upon surrender, not awarded upon conquest. The first step to joy is a plea for help, an acknowledgment of moral destitution, an admission of inward paucity. Those who taste God’s presence have declared spiritual bankruptcy and are aware of their spiritual crisis. . . Their pockets are empty. Their options are gone. They have long since stopped demanding justice; they are pleading for mercy.
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God will show His mercy forever and ever to those who worship and serve Him. Luke 1:50
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. How many times did Jesus speak upon the cross as recorded in the New Testament?
A. Seven Matt. 27:46; Lk 23:34; Lk 23:43; Lk 23:46; Jn 19:26-28; Jn 19:30
2. What was the name of the king who tried to get the wise men to lead him to baby Jesus?
A. Herod Matt. 2:7-8
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Answers to Questions about heaven. . . David Jeremiah
Is there an intermediate hell? What about purgatory?
A. Yes—there is an intermediate hell. When an unbeliever dies, his body goes into the grave and his spirit and soul go to Hades.
Revelation 20 tells us that “Death and Hades delivered up the dead” (v. 11-15). This passage indicates that Hades remains an intermediate hell until the Great White Throne Judgment—when “Death and Hades [will be] cast into the lake of fire”—the permanent hell.
But Hades is not a place of decision. There is no such place as purgatory. The Bible teaches that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9:27).
In Luke 16:26, Abraham describes a “great gulf fixed” between Hades and Paradise, “so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.” This passage illustrates the permanence of the gulf between heaven and hell. We won’t be able to “cross” from one side to the other. Whatever decisions we make about eternity will be made in this life.
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you with an everlasting love!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz: More Miscellany . . .
Here are some more questions left over from other categories, a little potpourri to test your general knowledge.
1. When God told Jonah to go preach, where did Jonah flee to? Jonah 1:1-3
a. Joppa c. Tarshish
b. Egypt d. Rome
2. The valley of the shadow of death is mentioned in what favorite psalm?
a. 23 c. 1
b. 100 d. 119
3. When Satan tempted Jesus, what is the one place he didn’t take Him? Matt 4:1-11
a. the wilderness c. a mountain
b. the sea d. the temple
4. The wilderness the children of Israel wandered in was called the wilderness of: Num 33:1, 12
a. Sin c. Beersheba
b. Kadesh Barnea d. Jeruel
5. How many people were on the ark during the flood? Gen 6:10; 7:7
a. 2 c. 6
b. 4 d. 8
6. What is the only book of the Bible that mentions Lucifer? 14:12
a. Revelation c. Ezekiel
b. Isaiah d. Daniel
7. What prophet saw the valley of dry bones? Eze 37:1
a. Elijah c. Elisha
b. Ezekiel d. Ezra
8. Who wrote most of the proverbs in the book of Proverbs? Prov 1:1
a. David c. Moses
b. Solomon d. Isaiah
9. Who said, “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the lord”? Ps 122:1
a. David c. Solomon
b. Moses d. Asaph
10. Ecclesiastes 112:13 says the whole duty of man is to:
a. love the Lord with all your heart
b. love your neighbor as yourself
c. fear God and keep His commandments
d. remember now your Creator in the days of your youth
Bible Study #747
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit, and a desire to share Jesus. These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#747 29 Sept 15
Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness. . .
Ephesians 6:14
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! stand firm therefore: For the third time the apostle calls Christians to take a firm position in the spiritual battle against Satan and his minions. Whether confronting Satan's efforts to distrust God,
Forsaking obedience, producing doctrinal confusion and falsehood, hindering service to God, bringing division, serving God in the flesh, living hypocritically, being worldly, or in any other way rejecting biblical obedience, this armor is our defense.
Girded . . . with truth: The soldier wore a tunic of loose-fitting cloth. Since ancient combat was largely hand-to-hand, a loose tunic was a potential hindrance and danger. A belt was necessary to cinch up the loosely hanging material. (cf. Exo 12:11; Lk 12:35; 1 Pet 1:13). Girding up was a matter of pulling in the loose ends a separation for battle. The belt that pulls all the spiritual loose ends in is “truth” or better, “truthfulness.” The idea is of sincere commitment to fight and win without hypocrisy—self-discipline in devotion to victory. Everything that hinders is tucked away . (cf. 2 Tim 2:4; Heb 12:1).
The breastplate of righteousness: The breastplate was usually a tough, sleeveless piece of leather or heavy material with animal horn or hoof pieces sewn on, covering the soldier’s full torso, protecting his heart and other vital organs. Because righteousness, or holiness, is such a distinctive characteristic of God Himself, it is not hard to understand why that is the Christian’s chief protection against Satan and his schemes. As believers faithfully live in obedience to and communion with Jesus Christ, His own righteousness produces in them the practical, daily righteousness that becomes their spiritual breastplate. Lack of holiness, on the other hand, leaves them vulnerable to the great enemy of their souls ( cf. Isa. 59:17; 2 Cor 7:1; 1 Thess. 5:8).
More on this subject next week.
Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! ♥
Memory verse for this week: Col. 2:8
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. Isaiah says that we all have gone astray, like what kind of animal -- sheep, cats, dogs or wolves?
2. Which prophet put a curse upon a bunch of mean young men who made fun of his bald head -- Elisha, Elijah, Isaiah or Moses?
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When you want peace and rest . . . read Matt 11:25-30
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BIBLE MEDITATION: Being Spirit Filled ..
“...Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” Acts 9:6
So many Christians want to be Spirit-filled, but have they ever asked why God should fill them with His Spirit?
I want you to imagine a man pushing a car into a service station. It has no battery in it. The car has four flat tires, a hole in the gas tank, and half the wires are disconnected. The attendant comes out, looks at this rattle trap, and says, “May I help you?”
The man says, “Yeah, fill ‘er up.”
What do you think that attendant would say? “What for?” would be appropriate.
I think God sometimes says, “What for?” to us. Instead, we need to just sign the contract at the bottom and say, “Lord, You fill it in.”
Bow before the Lord, open your hands, and say, “Lord, It’s all You. I am nothing but a vessel for You to use. Use me as You will.”
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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For Paul's secret to happiness . . . read Col. 3:12-17
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE" written by David Jeremiah. A Riveting Look at the Key Players of the End Times. GBY
. . . . AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE . . . .
chapter two THE MARTYRS . .
One by one, the prophesied disasters Matthew had pointed out to Daniel in his Bible began to materialize. Countries around the world endured a marked increase in droughts, water contamination, and infectious epidemics. A massive earthquake devastates several nations, killing millions of people.
Ominous signs also appeared on the political front. All the countries in Europe united their government and military forces, which meant that France was no longer safe for Jews. Daniel was fired again, but this time he was better prepared, having stashed his savings in his apartment rather than at a bank.
Daniel knew that a job search would be futile, so he joined the Jewish underground at the Grenoble Exchange. Smuggling Jews across borders was now pointless, because no country was free from persecution. Yet the Exchange continued its mission to help Jews. They concentrated their efforts on conversion and built a network of underground churches.
In the ensuing months, the entire world became a cauldron of misery and death. Crops failed. Diseases ran rampant. Food became scarce and exorbitantly expensive, and violence erupted over food rations. People in every nation were dying of starvation on a daily basis. Yet these horrors produced one positive effect: they brought startling success to Daniel and the Messianic Jews of the Exchange. Some people were beginning to see the futility of depending on their own efforts and were turning their eyes upward for help and hope.
Judas Christopher’s iron fist now gripped virtually all of the civilized world. Not long after he became the leader of the united European nations, he demanded that every person on earth acknowledge him as their god. To enforce compliance, he decreed that no one would be allowed to buy or sell any commodity, including food, clothing, and shelter, without a government-issued number. And no number would be issued to anyone who refused to worship him.
On the night following the decree, the Jews who ran the Grenoble Exchange met to address this new crisis.
“This Antichrist, Judas Christopher, has just pronounced a death sentence on all worshipers of the one true God,” one member said.
“The questions, what can we do about it?” someone else asked.
“Whatever we do,” Daniel responded, “we cannot bow before this monstrous beast. That would be our eternal death sentence.”
“You’re right, but I don’t see a solution. Death seems inevitable for us all.”
“Not necessarily,” another member replied. “We can hide in the wilderness or in buildings that were abandoned after the Rapture. We can feed ourselves by hunting and foraging.”
“There’s also a growing number of Gentiles who detest Christopher’s tyranny,” Daniel added. “No doubt many of them would be willing to offer us shelter.”
“Is it really necessary that we refuse the assigned number?” someone asked. “Under ordinary circumstances, of course, we should not compromise. But what we are facing now is far from ordinary. It’s literally a matter of life and death. Would it really be wrong to accept the number just to survive, while in our hearts we retain our allegiance to the true God?”
“You make a good point,” another member said, “Even the apostle Paul told the Corinthians that they could freely eat food that had been offered to idols. ‘Don’t ask question,’ he said. ‘Just do it. Those idols are not real gods, and you know that all food comes from the true God.’”
“But he also said not to eat such food when others knew it had been offered to idols,” Daniel said. “The light we shine to others is critical. That’s one reason so many martyrs were willing to die—they would not deny their Lord just to save their own necks.”
“Amen!” The chorus of voices echoed through the room.
“We must model for others the courage these ancient martyrs modeled for us.”
The meeting ended with the adoption of a strongly worded resolution to reject the government-issued numbers and to encourage all Messianic Jews to do the same. The group formed several task forces. Some located dwelling places where Jews could hide. Others sought out Gentiles known to be sympathetic to the persecuted Jews. Still others devised methods for distributing donated food and clothing.
It was not an exaggeration o say that this new decree amounted to a death sentence for those who would not declare their allegiance to Judas Christopher. Although some families managed to survive, eking out a living from forest game, edible plants, and occasional bundles of goods smuggled to their hiding places, the threat was imminent. Jewish Christians were hunted down, tortured, and killed. They were impaled, stretched on racks, flogged to death, fed to wild animals, burned at the stake, beheaded, hurled from cliffs, dismembered, or flayed alive. But in the midst of the bloodbath, the Exchange continued its ministry, the members pouring their energy into converting, feeding, housing, and hiding the beleaguered Jews whenever possible.
Late one night Daniel sat at a large table with twenty other Exchange leaders. They were meeting to arrange shelter for a recently uprooted Jewish man who now sat among them. He had just lost his home and his wife to the persecution. His seven-year-old daughter sat on his lap, her eyes wide with terror.
Suddenly the door burst open, and the man who had been standing guard rushed in, slamming and bolting the door behind him.
“They’re here! They have found us!”
Immediately everyone headed for the escape tunnel. Within moments, the door splintered and Christopher’s troops rushed in. The Jews emerged from the escape door and scattered as they dashed toward the nearby woods.
Five members of their group were caught immediately, but Daniel and the others made it into the forest. Gunshots crackled behind them, followed by the scream of the little girl. Daniel stopped short and then turned back, leaving the protective covering of the trees. The girl’s father lay motionless on the ground. The girl fell to her knees beside him, shrieking in terror.
A soldier reached down and grabbed her long hair. Daniel didn’t take time to think—he plowed headlong into the soldier, bowling him to the ground, and then scooped up the girl and ran back into the woods. Three soldiers came barreling behind him.
With the girl in his arms, Daniel knew he couldn’t outdistance his pursuers. He stopped and set her down.
“Run for it!” he whispered urgently. “Go as far into the woods as you can. There’s a family that will take you in, hiding in a hut.”
The girl stood frozen until Daniel turned her around and shoved her forward.
“Run!” he barked.
The girl obeyed, and Daniel turned to keep the soldier from following. The scuffle lasted only seconds before a rifle butt smashed into his head and he fell to the dirt, unconscious.
next week: . . THE MARTYRS cont. . .
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For the understanding of Christianity . . . read 2 Cor. 5:15-19
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Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. Matt. 16:28
It was not uncommon for Old Testament prophecies to combine a prediction of a far distance event with a prediction of one in the near future, with the earlier one even prefiguring the latter. Such prophecies would thereby have near, soon-to-come fulfillments as well as distant ones. The fulfillment of the near prophecy served to verify the reliability of the distant one. It seems reasonable to assume that Jesus verified the reliability of His second coming prophecy by giving a glimpse of His second coming glory to some of the disciples before they would “taste death.”
In light of that interpretation—and because in all three Synoptic Gospel accounts the promise of seeing His glory is given immediately preceding the account of the transfiguration (see Mark 9:1; Lk 9:27-36) and basileia can be translated “royal splendor”—it seems Jesus must have been referring specifically to His transfiguration before Peter, James, and John only six days later (see Matt. 17:1). Those three disciples were the “some” among the Twelve who would not die until, in a most miraculous preview, they would “see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
Seeing the layers upon layers of meaning that make up His Word, what does this tell you about the knowledge and wisdom of God, as well as the vastness of His plan for us, for the world, and for time itself? Lose yourself in wonderment at your Lord’s immensity.
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When God seems far away . . . read Ps 139
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LONGING FOR HEAVEN . . . a note from Max Lucado
The only ultimate disaster that can befall us, I have come to realize, is to feel ourselves to be home on earth. As long as we are aliens, we cannot forget our true homeland.
Unhappiness on earth cultivates a hunger for heaven. By gracing us with a deep dissatisfaction, God hold our attention. The only tragedy, then, is to be satisfied prematurely. To settle for earth.
We are no happy here because we are not supposed to be happy here. We are “like foreigners and strangers in this world” (1 Peter 2:11).
And you will never be completely happy on earth simply because you were not made for earth. Oh, you will have moments of joy. You will catch glimpses of light. You will know moments or even days of peace. But they simply do not compare with the happiness that lies ahead.
There are many rooms in my Father’s house; I would not tell you this if it were not true. I am going there to prepare a place for you. After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me so that you may be where I am. John 14:2-3
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Christ had no sin, but God made Him become sin so that in Christ we could become right with God 1 Cor. 5:21
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. Isaiah says that we all have gone astray, like what kind of animal -- sheep, cats, dogs or wolves?
A. Sheep Isa 53:6
2. Which prophet put a curse upon a bunch of mean young men who made fun of his bald head -- Elisha, Elijah, Isaiah or Moses?
A. Elisha 2 Kings 2:24
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Answers to Questions about heaven. . . David Jeremiah
How many heavens are described in the Bible?
A. The Bible speaks of three distinct heavens.
1. The first heaven is described in Isaiah 55:9-10 and is the atmosphere surrounding the earth--the domain of the clouds and birds (Gen 1:20).
2. The second heaven is spoken of in Genesis 1:14-17 as the domain of the heavenly bodies: the sun, moon, stars, planets and galaxies.
3. Paul described in his second letter to the Corinthians being "caught up to the third heaven," which is beyond the first and second heavens and is the dwelling place of God--where we will one day join Christ.
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you with an everlasting love!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz: Revelation . . .
The book of Revelation starts by saying it is a revelation of Jesus Christ given to His servant John. Revelation is full of symbols and strange things that God uses to show Himself to us. How much do you know about this book of the Bible?
1. Revelation begins with messages to how many churches? Rev. 1:4
a. 3 c. 7
b. 5 d. 9
2. The churches are likened to: 1:20
a. stars c. lampstands
b. bread d. salt
3. Out of the following things, which did John see first? 6:1
a. seals c. trumpets
b. bowls of God’s wrath d. censers
4. John saw four horses. The last one was pale and the name of him who rode it was: 6:8
a. Hades c. Death
b. Apollyon d. Famine
5. The 144,000 were: 7:3-4
a. angels c. those with the mark of the beast
b. God’s servants d. martyrs
6. How many witnesses did God send? 11:3
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
7. What happened to God’s witnesses? 11:3, 7, 11
a. they were killed and resurrected
b. nothing
c. nobody would listen to them
d. they ascended into heaven
8. How many beasts stood around God’s throne? 4:6
a. 2 c. 6
b. 4 d. 24
9. How many elders were before the throne? 4:10
a. 12 c. 36
b. 24 d. 48
10. What did John see descend from the new heaven? 21:1-2
a. a new earth c. the new Jerusalem
b. a new sea d. the new army of God
Bible Study #746
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit, and a desire to share Jesus. These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#746 22 Sept 15
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces, of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
Ephesians 6:12-13
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! Struggle: A term used of hand-to-hand combat, rendered as “wrestle” by some translations. Struggling or wrestling features trickery and deception, like Satan and his hosts when they attack. Coping with deceptive temptation requires truth and righteousness. The 4 designations describe the different strata and rankings of those demons and the evil supernatural empire in which they operate. Satan’s forces of darkness are highly structured for the most destructive purposes. (Col 2:15; 1 Pet 3:22)
Not against flesh and blood: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tells us “ For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ “ .
Spiritual forces of wickedness: This possibly refers to the most depraved abominations, including such things as extreme sexual perversions, occultism, and Satan worship.
In the heavenly places: As in 1:3; 3:10, this refers to the entire realm of spiritual beings.
Therefore, take up the full armor of God: Paul again emphasized the necessity of the Christian’s appropriating God’s full spiritual armor by obedience in taking it up, or putting it on (v.11). The first 3 pieces of armor (girdle, breastplate, and shoes/boots, vs. 14, 15) were worn continually on the battlefield; the last 3 (shield, helmet, and sword, vs 16, 17) were kept ready for use when actual fighting began.
The evil day: Since the fall of man, every day has been evil, a condition that will persist until the Lord returns and establishes His own righteous kingdom on earth.
Having done everything, to stand firm: Standing firm against the enemy without wavering or falling is the goal.
More on this subject next week.
Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! ♥
Memory verse for this week: Col. 2:8
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. What Question is asked about the grave?
2. To which disciple did Jesus give the keys to Heaven?
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When you have sinned . . . read Ps 51
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BIBLE MEDITATION: Being a Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ . . .
“God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Cor 1:9
John Calvin was one of the greatest theologians who ever lived. He said, “I gave up all for Christ and what have I found? I have found everything in Christ.” Do you wish you could say that too? You can. Just don’t get confused about what it means to “give up all” to find Christ. So many think that being a disciple means they must get into a movement or go to the mission field or attend seminary. Friend, being a disciple is fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ — knowing Jesus intimately and following Him wherever He leads. Fellowship with Christ comes before service for Christ. We must minister to Jesus before we can minister to anyone else.
Are you praying about where you fit in the body of Christ as His disciple? Spend some time fellowshipping with Him this week and the answer will come.
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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If discouraged about your work . . . read Ps 126
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE" written by David Jeremiah. A Riveting Look at the Key Players of the End Times. GBY
. . . . AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE . . . .
chapter two THE MARTYRS . .
Once they were tucked away at a remote table in the local café, Matthew wasted no time. “This is Judas Christopher’s doing. We’ve learned that the is anti-Semitic down to the marrow. He has forced our own gutless premier to get rid of all the Jews in Italy.”
“But why--?”
“Firing us is just his first step. Jews in other Italian cities are quietly being rounded up and shipped away on trains. We don’t know where they are being taken, but n one has returned. We’ve just learned that Turin is next, and the purge could begin at any moment.”
“Who is this we you keep referring to?”
“An underground network organized to help Jews in this crisis.” Matthew leaned toward Daniel. “We have set up a secret headquarters in the basement of an abandoned factory building. We call it the Exchange. We’re linked to Exchanges in other cities through a communication network that gathers information to help Jews escape into France. You need to come see us.”
Matthew gave Daniel a pointed look. “Come tonight. There may not be much time.”
That night, following Matthew’s instructions, Daniel went to the Exchange. He parked his car three blocks away and walked to the old warehouse. Like a burglar about to break into a house, he looked in all directions before entering the alley between the last standing wall of the building and the equally damaged factory adjacent to it. Once inside, he descended the stairwell to the basement and knocked softly on the metal door.
He was admitted immediately into a space that had formerly been the warehouse locker room and recreation area. Matthew greeted him with a broad smile. Eighteen or twenty others, both men and women, sat at mismatched desks around the room. Matthew sat Daniel in a chair that looked like a Salvation Army reject, and after introducing him to his associates, he got straight to the point.
“As I told you, we collectively run an underground operation to help Jews anywhere flee from Judas Christopher’s purge. We also have another purpose: we are all Messianic Jews, which is another name for Christians who—“
“You? A Christian?” Daniel was incredulous. “But you were always such a staunch Jew!”
“The big disappearance forced me to do some serious soul-searching,” he said. “And since my conversion, I have joined these brothers and sisters in devoting ourselves not only to saving our fellow Jews’ lives but also to saving their souls.”
“Why would you wasn’t to become a Christian now?”
“Well, I didn’t know much about Christianity before. But the fact that only Christians were taken in the Rapture got my attention. I knew that had to mean something. So I got a Christian Bible with a commentary and learned that all this had been predicted. The more I studied, the more I realized that Christianity is actually the fulfillment of Judaism. So I became a believer in the crucified and resurrected Messiah.”
“And what about these other people working with you?” Daniel asked, “How were they converted?”
“The Rapture opened their minds to Christianity, just as it did for me. Our paths crossed through various circumstances, and we’ve been getting together to share what we’re learning.”
Matthew’s face glowed as if lit by some inner fire.
“You are really into this,” Daniel said.
“Yes. It has been revealed to me that I am one of 144,000 Jewish evangelists throughout the world who have been called to bring people to belief in our Messiah.”
Daniel rolled his eyes. “Come on, Matthew. How can you possibly know all this?”
Matthew was ready for the question. He took his Bible—only weeks old, but already showing signs of wear—and pointed to passage after passage explaining how Jesus’ coming made sense of hundreds of prophecies from the Hebrew Scriptures. He went on to show passages from the New Testament that explained the current disturbing events, and horrors looming on the horizon, and his mission.
Matthew closed his Bible and looked gravely at his friend. “Daniel, you can see that the death and resurrection of our Messiah as well as everything we’re experiencing now were prophesied in this book. Now I urge you to do two things.”
“I’m listening.”
“First, I beg you to turn to our Messiah before it’s too late. Second, you need to get out of Italy immediately.”
Daniel was ready on both counts. Matthew took him to an adjacent room, where he opened the book of Romans and explained the gospel to him in greater detail. Daniel committed his life to following Christ, knowing full well that the cost could be steep. But now that he understood the sacrifice Jesus had made on his behalf, he was willing to lay down everything—even his life, if necessary.
Matthew explained that first thing in the morning, Daniel was to go to the bank and withdraw all his savings. Soon after he returned home, a FedEx truck would pick him up. He was to take only one suitcase, and he would be driven directly to the sister Exchange in Grenoble, France, along with other Jewish refugees.
Yet another shock awaited Daniel at his bank the next day: the government had already confiscated every euro he had. The gravity of the situation was really starting to sink in now. He rushed home, locked the doors, and shuttered all the windows.
As he stuffed his suitcase, he heard a furious pounding at the door. Peering through a slit in the blinds, he saw five armed men in Italian military uniforms. The knock came again, loud enough to rattle the windows this time. Daniel grabbed his suit case and headed for the back door. He heard the front window shatter, followed by the stomping of heavy boots. At that moment, shouts and pounding erupted at the back door. He turned and bounded down the basement stairway. Just as his pursuers clambered into the basement, he managed to shatter one of the narrow windows just above ground level and wriggle out, leaving his suitcase behind.
Daniel ran down the alley behind the houses in his neighborhood. He could hear the soldiers shouting behind him, but they were too far back to see him. Soon he was gasping for breath, and his knees were buckling. He knew he wouldn’t be able to run much longer. He rounded a corner and almost collided with a garbage can. He crawled inside a pulled the lid over him. Moments later the soldiers rushed by, cursing and bellowing.
Trembling with terror, Daniel remained there for more than an hour before he dared to take out his cell phone. He called Matthew and explained what had happened.
“Whatever you do, don’t come here.” Matthew’s voice was tense. “They’re onto us, and we’ve scattered. Jews all over the country are being caught and shipped to gas chambers modeled after those in Auschwitz and Dachau. We’re all in grave danger. You must get to France immediately, but not by the highway. You’ll have to walk across the countryside at night.”
As soon as dusk fell, Daniel Goldman began his westward trek toward France, creeping through fields and woods under cover of darkness. Obstacle after obstacle slowed him down—barking dogs, fences, creeks, and farms to be skirted. At one point he fell into an unseen ravine, and a farmer nearby must heave hear him, because several shots were fired in his direction. He managed to escape unscathed, but hunger continued to stalk him. He snatched corn from the fields and fruit from wooded areas whenever he could, but it was barely enough to keep him going.
Finally, after four long nights, he had covered the thirty-plus miles to the border. He made his way over the Alps through a gap near the highway and reached France just as the sun rose behind him. It was now safe for him to hitchhike, and following his friend’s instructions, Daniel found the sister Exchange the Jews had set up there.
The Grenoble Exchange fed and housed Daniel until he secured a position with a local law firm. He worked in relative safety for three years, donating much of his salary to the Exchange and volunteering for them in the evenings. He continued to grow in his faith, meeting with fellow members of the Exchange in the evenings to study Scripture and discuss how to apply it to their lives.
next week: . . THE MARTYRS cont. . .
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If you need assurance . . . read Mark 8:35
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Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. Matt. 16:28
In light of Jesus’ growing opposition by the Jewish leaders and His predictions of impending death, it was surely with some skepticism that the disciples heard their Lord’s promise of one day returning in glory. Understanding the disciples’ bewilderment and weak faith, Jesus repeated the promise, adding that “some of those who are standing here . . . will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
“Taste death” was a common Jewish expression that referred to drinking the cup of death, or in other words, to dying. Jesus assured the Twelve that some of them would see Him “coming in His kingdom” before they died.
To understand correctly what Jesus meant, it is first of all helpful to know that the Greek word basileia (kingdom) was often used as a metonym to mean “royal majesty” or “regal splendor”—in much the same way that scepter has been used figuratively to represent royal power and authority. Used in that way, basileia would refer to a manifestation of Jesus’ kingliness rather than His literal earthly reign. His promise could therefore be translated, “until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingly splendor.” That’s exactly what Peter, James, and John saw six days later at His transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-8).
What do you do with selected statements of Scripture that seem obviously contradictory to each other or to your own experience? In light of this one, which seems on its face to be untrue, what do you gain by beginning with confidence in the truthfulness of His Word?
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If you need reassurance . . . read Ps 145:18
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Q & A With McGee –
Q: What are the marks of a false teacher?
A. First of all, read 2 Corinthians 11:3-15. Paul labels as a false prophet the man who denies the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. You have no right to claim to be a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ and then deny the very One that you are preaching. And then, the office of the apostles went out a long time ago, after the death of the original apostles and those who saw the living Christ. After that it’s the written record that they gave to us that we are to turn to. So the minute anyone takes the title of “apostle” you can mark him off your list.
Paul says the devil makes himself an angel of light. If you could really see him I think you’d see the most beautiful creature you’ve ever seen, and you can be deceived. There are abroad today many men who are handsome, dignified, never say an unkind word, just lovey-dovey all the way through. But they’re apostle so Satan, you wee. Now that is one group of false teachers, and I think they’re easily detected today.
There’s another group, and that is the religious racketeer. I listened to one of them on the radio. Why, he preached the gospel, friends! But Paul says beware of those that in taking you away from the simplicity of Christ. Now I detect one little thing in this man’s teaching: It involves all kinds of little performances and rituals. It takes you pretty far from the Word of God. That is taking you away from the simplicity that’s in Christ. My friend, you and I are lost sinners and we come to Jesus Christ bringing nothing and receiving everything from Him. You can’t do anything for Him without being filled by the Holy Spirit. That’s the real test. You see, it’s so easy to get away from the simplicity that is in Christ.
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You should know that loving the world is the same as hating God. Anyone who wants to be a friend of the world becomes God's enemy. Jas 4:4
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. What Question is asked about the grave?
A. Oh grave, where is your victory? Oh, death, where is your sting? 1 Cor. 15:55
2. To which disciple did Jesus give the keys to Heaven?
A. Peter Matt 16:18
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Answers to Questions about heaven. . . David Jeremiah
Will there be churches in heaven?
A. John tells us in the book of Revelation: “I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God’” (21:3). Speaking of the holy city, John goes on to say, “I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. . . They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads” (21:22; 22:4).
It is an interesting and strange thing to fathom, but there really won’t be need for preaching or church buildings or sanctuaries in heaven. The Bible says we will know our Lord even as we are known. We will have a complete grasp of the things of God. And frankly, that’s what makes heaven a reality. It’s not the streets of gold or the gates of pearl or the angels. Heaven is heaven because God the Father is there and Jesus Christ is there. At last, all the barriers will be removed, and we will be able to know God in a way that we cannot possibly comprehend in this life.
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you with an everlasting love!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz: Miracles of Jesus . . .
As part of His ministry, Jesus performed miracles. One reason was to prove He was who He said He was—the Son of God. But another reason was to show His love and compassion for His people. What do you about these miracles?
1. After Jesus fed the 5,000, He fed another group of 4,000 with: Matt 15:34-38
a. 5 loaves and 2 fish c. 7 loaves and a few fish
b. 6 loaves and 3 fish d. 8 loaves and no fish
2. When the 4,000 were finished eating, how many baskets full were left over? Matt 15:37-38
a. 3 c. 7
b. 5 d. 12
3. When Jesus walked on water, which disciple asked to get out of the boat and walk to Jesus on the water? Matt 14:24-29
a. Peter c. John
b. James d. Thomas
4. How long was Lazarus dead before Jesus raised him up again? Jn 11:14, 39
a. a few hours c. 4 days
b. 1 day d. 7 days
5. Jesus turned the water to wine at: Jn 2:1-10
a. Passover c. a wedding
b. the Last Supper d. both a and c
6. When Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many returned to thank Him? Lk 17:12-16
a. 10 c. 9
b. 5 d. 1
7. When the friends of the paralyzed man couldn’t get their friend to Jesus because of the crowd, they: Mk 4:2-4
a. lowered him down through the roof c. gave up and went away
b. pushed their way through the crowd d. stood on the edge of the crowd and
8. When Jesus healed the man who was blind from birth, what did He put on the man’s eyes? Jn 9: 1, 6
a. clay c. a scarf
b. His hand d. nothing
9 The crippled man Jesus healed at the pool of Bethesda was at the pool because: Jn 5:2-9
a. the water were healing c. it was where he lived
b. an angel sometimes appeared d. a and b
10. Jesus once caused a tree to wither to prove a point. What kind of tree was it? Mk 11:14, 20
a. olive c. sycamore
b. fig d. palm
Bible Study #745
The goal of Bible Study is not just learning, but living
If you are saved, you will have a desire to be holy, a hunger for the Word, the inner witness of the Spirit,
and a desire to share Jesus. These are the birthmarks of the believer.
#745 15 Sept 15
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil
Ephesians 10:10-11
Grateful for . . . .
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Greetings! [Just a reminder that I give a lot of scripture reference for those that are 'Bereans' and like to check things out.]
Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might: Cf. Phil 4:13; 2 Tim 2:1 .. Ultimately, Satan’s power over Christians is already broken and the great war is won through Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, which forever conquered the power of sin and death (Rom 5:18-21; 1 Cor 15:56, 57; Heb 2:14). However, in life on earth, battles of temptation go on regularly. The Lord’s power, the strength of His Spirit, and the force of biblical truth are required for victory.
Put on the full armor of God; “Put on” conveys the idea of permanence, indicating that armor should be the Christian’s sustained, life-long attire. Paul uses the common armor worn by Roman soldiers as the analogy for the believer’s spiritual defense and affirms its necessity if one is to hold his position while under attack.
Schemes: This Greek word carries the idea of cleverness, crafty methods, cunning, and deception. Satan’s schemes are propagated through the evil world system over which he rules, and are carried out by his demon hosts. “Schemes” is all-inclusive, encompassing every sin, immoral practice, false theology, false religion, and worldly enticement.
The devil: Scripture refers to him as “the anointed cherub” (Ezek 28:14), “the ruler of the demons” (Lk 11:15), “the god of this world” (2 Cor 4:4), and “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph 2:2). Scripture depicts him opposing God’s work (Zech 3:1), perverting God’s Word (Matt 4:6), hindering God’s servant (1 Thess 2:18), hindering the gospel (2 Cor 4:4), snaring the righteous (1 Tim 3:7), and holding the world in his power (1 Jn 5:19).
More on this subject next week.
Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! ♥
Memory verse for this week: Phil 1:6
This week's Trivia's: [answer's below . . ]
1. What did the angel who met Joshua outside Jericho tell him to do before he would give him a message?
2. Which nation at first was an ally of Israel in resisting Babylon?
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When men fail you .. read Psalm 27
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BIBLE MEDITATION: Praise the Lord!
Revelation 7:12 - “Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever.”
I heard about a man who got a little excited in church. He kept shouting, “Praise the Lord!” That week some of the brethren called on him while he was plowing his fields. When they were finished talking, he hung his head and said, “I know it’s the truth. I have disturbed the services, but you know I sit there and think what the Lord has done for me—how He died in agony and blood for me upon the He’s forgiven all of my He’s filled me with the Spirit and...hold this mule while I shout!” If being a Christian and going to heaven doesn’t excite you, you have calluses on your soul. It’s exciting to know the Lord Jesus Christ!
When was the last time you raised your hands and shouted “Praise the Lord!” Maybe right now is a good time!
from the Ministries of Love Worth Finding . . . by Adrian Rogers
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When your faith needs stirring . . . read Hebrews 11
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We have begun another journey and will learn from the book "AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE" written by David Jeremiah. A Riveting Look at the Key Players of the End Times. GBY
. . . . AGENTS of the APOCALYPSE . . . .
chapter two THE MARTYRS . .
It was after ten o’clock on Sunday morning when Daniel Goldman, an up-and-coming attorney in a Turin, Italy, law firm, finally rolled out of bed. He poured his cup of wake-up coffee, eased into his recliner, and flipped on the TV. He had nothing to do before Rachel got out of church; they would eat lunch at their favorite restaurant afterward.
Rachel Elon. Daniel warmed at the thought of her name. He had met the raven-haired beauty at a bar mitzvah five months earlier. Their attraction had been immediate and mutual, and as love blossomed, they had begun to talk of marriage.
A woman in the marketing firm where Rachel worked had invited her to a Christian gathering, and within a few weeks she had become a Christian. This morning was her second time to attend the little church.
Her conversion did not bother Daniel. As far as he was concerned, she could follow whichever religion made her feel good—or none at all. He had quit attending a synagogue the day he left for college, and his only connection with his parents’ Jewish faith was an occasional wedding or bar mitzvah.
A newsflash snapped Daniel out of his reverie. According to chaotic reports from around the world, thousands of people had suddenly vanished. People had disappeared from workstations, cars, airplanes, ships, and military stations, causing widespread devastation. Cars had crashed. Planes had plunged to the ground. Gas plants had exploded. Cities were darkened by massive power outages. Daniel watched, incredulous, as casualty estimates rose into the millions.
Before long the panicked news anchor announced something strange: “From the reports we have so far, it appears that all who have vanished were professing Christians. Here in our studio we have retired pastor Marco Conti to make some sense out of this.”
The former clergyman explained the Christian belief called the Rapture, which maintained that all Christians would be taken into heaven so they would be spared the political and natural upheavals that would precede the second coming of Christ.
“Do you think this is what has happened?” the anchor asked.
“Of course not.” Marco chuckled and shook his head. “Enlightened Christians today see all biblical miracles—including virgin births, resurrections, and prophecies—as myths intended to convey larger truths, such as humanity’s ability to find spiritual life within.”
“Yet it seems that all who have disappeared were practicing Christians.”
“Well, not all,” the pastor said with a smile. “I’m still here.”
Daniel looked at his watch. It was time for Rachel to be out of church.
He called her cell phone. No response. He kept calling for the next half hour. Finally, he drove to the little church building.
Cars—including Rachel’s—were still in the parking lot. He stepped inside the open door. The pews were empty, but a half dozen men and women stood around, looking dazed.
“What’s happening?” Daniel asked.
“Look at the pews,” a woman replied, her voice breaking.
The benches were strewn with Bibles, bulletins, and purses. Daniel searched until he found a lavender-colored Bible he recognized as Rachel’s. He slumped to the floor, barely realizing that the sobs he was hearing were his own.
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Daniel remained in a stupor for days. He plodded about his life mechanically, performing his duties at the law firm without his usual enthusiasm and creativity. The firm itself was in turmoil, having lost fourteen of its fifty-plus employees in the cataclysmic disappearance. The increased workload significantly stretched the remaining attorneys and their staffs. Daniel, however, was grateful for the distraction of overtime.
The first nation to recover its balance was Great Britain. The architect of the recovery was their brilliant prime minister, Judas Christopher, who identified the most urgent problems and formed teams to conscript workers for cleanup and reconstruction and to fill critical vacated positions. Within weeks, although people were still reeling, Britain was back on its feet as a functioning society.
Other European nations did not fare so well, and many countries were sinking deeper into chaos with each passing week. Most of Europe’s leaders pleased with the British hero to bring order to their own devastated nations. Prime Minister Christopher graciously offered his help, and slowly but steadily Europe regained its footing.
In the evenings Daniel watched the aftermath unfold on TV while he worked. The British prime minister appeared often, always displaying confidence and an air of concern. But something about him made Daniel’s skin crawl. He sensed that he man’s charm was a façade and that his eyes were on something far beyond helping people who were struggling. Daniel knew from various blogs he’d read that Christopher had demanded a fair amount of internal control from those desperate nations in exchange for his leadership.
One day, when Daniel was at work, he phone rang.
“I need to see you in my office.” It was the firm’s senior partner.
As Daniel entered, his boss couldn’t look him in the eye, and his fingers fiddled compulsively with a pencil.
“Daniel,” he said, his eyes still averted, “I have to let you go.”
Daniel tried to absorb the blow. “Why? What have I done wrong?”
“You’ve one nothing wrong. You have been loyal, your work has been impeccable, and you have consistently taken on additional responsibilities.”
“But . . . but we all know the firm is shorthanded after the big disappearance. You’ve been desperately trying to recruit new lawyers. So why are you firing me?”
“I’m not at liberty to say. Please don’t ask questions. It will do no good. But I am giving you a generous severance package. It has already been deposited to your account.”
Still reeling, Daniel returned to his desk and boxed up his belongings. Stunned though he was, the young lawyer had no doubt he would find another job quickly. All the law firms in Turin had been desperate for attorneys since the mass disappearance. In the next few weeks, Daniel submitted his resume to every firm in the city. They all turned him down.
One evening, after a month of hitting dead ends, he sank deep into his recliner, wondering what he would do next. He had plenty of money; he had quite a bit saved even before the severance package. But it wouldn’t last forever.
The phone rang. “Daniel Goldman?” The voice was familiar, but Daniel couldn’t place it right away. “Matthew Pearlman here.”
“Matthew, my old friend! I haven’t seen you in ages. How in the world are you?”
“Not bad. I just heard that you’ve been fired. Join the club.”
“Not you, too! But you were a partner in your firm.”
“Yeah, it didn’t matter. We’re all being fired, Daniel.”
Daniel didn’t know where Matthew was going with this, and there was a moment awkward silence.
“Care to have coffee?” Matthew asked. “We need to talk. In person.”
next week: . . THE MARTYRS cont. . .
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When your prayers grow narrow or elfish .. read Psalm 67
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[He] will then repay every man according to his deeds. Matt. 16:27b
For unbelievers this truth is a dire warning, because at Christ’s judgment they will have no acceptable deeds to present to the Lord as evidence of salvation. Many professing Christians will say on that day, “’Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles.’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness’” (Matt. 7:22-23).
For unbelievers, this will be a day of unending fear as they finally realize the good works they relied on to make them right with God were nothing more than filthy garments (cf. Isa. 64:6) that leave them totally unfit to stand before the righteous King and judge. At Jesus’ second coming, Paul warns, He will deal out “retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus” (2 Thess. 1:8).
There will be a day of reckoning for all people. For the cross-bearing, obedient Christian it will be a day of great rejoicing and glory, because he will have evidence that the life of God is within him by faith in Jesus Christ. But for the unrepentant, Christ-rejecting sinner, it will be a day of great terror and torment, because he will have no evidence of divine life.
When you think of those whose carefully built defenses will be exposed before God’s holy fire at judgment, how seriously does this make you want to take your responsibility for personal evangelism? What keeps you from being more deliberate in sharing what you know.
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If you want to be fruitful .. read John 15
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No Worries! – Greg Laurie –
"So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs." — Matt 6:31–32
A poll was taken in which Americans were asked what they worry about the most. The number-one response was, "My appearance." They may lose their house. They may lose their life savings. They may get wiped off the earth in a nuclear blast. But the real concern is, "How do I look in this outfit?" Things don't change much. Two thousand years ago, Jesus said, "So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs" (Matt 6:31–32). Fast-forward to today, and the number-one concern is the outward.
What do you worry about the most? What causes you the greatest stress? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us why we should not worry, and what we should do instead. Then He concludes with this statement: "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need" (Matt 6:33).
What we learn from Jesus about anxiety and worry is that the follower of Jesus Christ should not be filled with anxiety. This does not mean that a Christian should not be concerned with needs like food or clothing. Yes, we need to concern ourselves with them. Yes, we need to think about a roof over our heads and clothes on our backs and food in our stomachs. In fact, the Bible contains many admonitions about saving our money, investing wisely, and working hard for a living. Jesus is not saying that we should never think about these things. Rather, He is saying that we should not be obsessed with or worry about them.
Worrying doesn't empty today of its sorrow; it empties tomorrow of its strength.
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Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work . . Rev 22:12
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Answers to this week's Trivia's:
1. What did the angel who met Joshua outside Jericho tell him to do before he would give him a message?
A. Remove his shoes Josh 5:15
2. Which nation at first was an ally of Israel in resisting Babylon?
A. Egypt Jer 37:9
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Answers to Questions about heaven. . . David Jeremiah
What is heaven's light source? Does heaven orbit around a planet similar to the sun?
A. In Revelation 21 we read: "The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light" (v. 23).
In the New Jerusalem there will be no light posts, no lanterns, and no lamps. Light emanates from the throne of God, where the Lamb who is the Lord Jesus is seated. He will be the light, and there will be no need for any other source, because the brilliance of the light of the Lord Jesus in His glorification will fill the city. What a spectacular image!
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Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.
Until next time remember, "Keep looking up!"
God loves you with an everlasting love!
Nancy <\\\><
A man may go to heaven…..
Without health, without wealth;
Without fame, without a great name;
Without learning, without earnings;
Without culture, without beauty;
Without friends and without ten thousand other things----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.
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No hard feelings
This week's Quiz:
Parables . . .
Jesus said that He spoke in parables to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah that said the people would hear and not understand (Isa 6:9). The parables teach many good lessons, but we have to be willing to be taught. What do you know about these parables?
1. The parable of the good Samaritan was told to answer what question? Lk 10:29
a. “Who is my neighbor?” c. “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?”
b. “Can a rich man be saved?” d. “By what authority do you do these things?”
2. The phrase “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” occurs in the parable of the: Matt 25:21
a. sower c. minas
b. talents d. vineyard
3. The parable of the unforgiving servant begins with Jesus saying that we should forgive: Matt 18:22
a. a hundred times c. always
b. seventy times seven d. seven times
4. In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the shepherd leave to search for the lost one? Matt 18:12
a. 9 c. 199
b. 99 d. 299
5. In the parable of the sower, upon how many different types of places did the seed fall? Mk 4:3-8
a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 7
6. Which parable has the phrase “eat, drink, and be merry”? Lk 12:19
a. the rich fool c. Lazarus and the rich man
b. the wise steward d. the rich young ruler
7. In the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, how many took no oil with them? Matt 25:2
a. 3 c. 7
b. 5 d. 9
8. In the parable of the wedding feast, the man is thrown out because: Matt 22:11-12
a. he’s not wearing a wedding garment
b. he sat in the place of honor uninvited
c. he wasn’t invited to the wedding
d. he was rude to the bridegroom
9. In the parable of the wheat and tares, the owner of the field ultimately tells his servants to: Matt 13:30
a. root out the tares c. bind the tares and burn them
b. leave the tares alone d. sow more tares
10. In one parable Jesus said that no one would light a candle and: Lk 11:33
a. hide it under a bushel c. let someone blow it out
b. put it in a secret place d. both a and b
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